3 products

Spice it up and remind your soul mate how you got this way, rekindle that spark of passion and romance! Pregnancy can be a difficult stage in a women’s life, the hormonal changes can be really taxing and make you snap at your loved ones in ways you’d have never considered before. This can really strain the relationship you share with your better half.

We here at Mommylicious understand that, and have made this line of maternity clothes while keeping that in mind. The sexy maternity lingerie you will find here can definitely make a difference. The lingerie is designed to accentuate and outline your womanly form in just the right way. But the appeal is not all we aimed for, the lingerie here is comfortable, useful and sexy all at the same time.

We offer everything from the finest maternity panties to nighties, babydolls, and negligees. Just because you are pregnant does not mean that you should not look and feel sexy. So glam it up, hot mamas, in our line of plus size maternity lingerie or sexy maternity pajamas designed especially for you! Say Goodbye to those granny underpants the comfortable yet sexy Mommylicious maternity lingerie.

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